30 Days Wild: June 24

Every June, the Wildlife Trusts run their #30DaysWild campaign to encourage everyone to connect with nature in some way, every day of the month. This year, Bentley Wildlife posted ideas throughout the month on our Facebook page, hopefully inspiring followers to do one wild thing every day.

We’ve now collated these ideas into the list below, because you don’t have to stop now June is over! In fact, many of the suggestions you can do throughout the year to make that connection with nature. 

What Wild Thing Will You Do Today?

Day 1: The first challenge is to simply go outside and have a bit of meaningful time. Listen to birds, appreciate the colours of your garden or countryside, experience the weather on your skin and breathe in the smells of nature – we hope it’s not too pongy where you are!

Day 2: Our #30DayWild challenge today is to go on a butterfly hunt. Fortunately, we have the perfect place to do this at Bentley Station Butterfly Meadow or close by in Alice Holt Forest where you might spot a Purple Emperor hunting high in the tree canopy. If you do, you’ll also probably spot some lepidopterists, who travel from far and wide to see them!

Day 3: Today’s suggestion is to take a selfie with a tree and post it on our Facebook page. A great place to do this is in the Arboretum in Alice Holt where you can also practise tree identification – many of them are labelled with their Latin names.

Day 4: Your #30DayWild challenge is to learn something new about what are often described as “pests” by gardeners – slugs and snails. For example, did you know that a slug has approximately 27,000 teeth?! Share your interesting facts on our Facebook page…

Day 5: Our suggestion today is to pick up any litter you pass in and around the village (yes, we know you do this already!) and encourage other generations to do the same.

Day 6: Today’s challenge is to try to identify tracks and other tell tale signs that wildlife has been within a few metres of where you are. Is there a footprint in a muddy patch in your garden? Some unidentified poop on your patio?! Feathers or fur snagged on a fence? Whatever it is, see if you can identify what was passing by using guides, apps and other tools.

Day 7: If the weather is fine this evening, why not take a walk at dusk and look out for our more nocturnal species. Locally you stand a good chance of seeing bats and hedgehogs at this time of year, if you’re lucky you may also see hares in the fields, as well as badgers, foxes and deer.

Day 8: Here in Bentley we’re landlocked, so today’s suggestion is to take a trip down to a coastal nature reserve like Milton Locks, Farlington Marshes or Southmoor. These are all in the Havant / Portsmouth area. Details can be found here: https://www.hiwwt.org.uk/nature-reserves

Day 9: How about having breakfast or lunch (or brunch) outside today? Rain or shine, whether at home or out and about, find a suitable spot to enjoy your cornflakes, full English or pain au chocolat in nature!

Day 10: Today we challenge you to attempt a Sun Salutation, if you’re able, outside, in nature to welcome the day. You can Google the sequence and practise it as energetically as you like.

Day 11: Here’s today’s #30DaysWild suggestion – stop and smell the flowers! If you’re walking the kids to school, popping to Bentley Stores, on your way to the station, out walking the dog, doing Couch to 5K, or any other outdoor trip – give your neighbour’s roses a sniff or even the common daisy!

Day 12: Our #30DaysWild suggestion today is to go foraging. June is a good month for collecting edible wild plants, remembering the forager’s rule: take what you want for personal consumption, but pick with respect. You may still find some elderflowers in bloom to make cordial or elderflower fritters, or look out for wild chamomile to make tea. Dandelion, hedge garlic, chickweed and lime leaves are great in a salad, and make a nice change from lettuce.

Day 13:We’re challenging you to take a photo of something wild in and around Bentley and post it on our Facebook page. It could be a view from the top of Hussey’s Lane, moorhens on Bentley pond, or a macro shot of a mini-beast. Whatever you like!

Day 14: Today’s suggestion for #30DaysWild is to learn a new bird call or song. We’ve mentioned before the brilliant Merlin Bird Id app. Simply download the app, choose your bird call pack (Europe), switch on the ‘Sound ID’ function and use it to identify bird songs or calls that you don’t recognise. Pick one you want to learn today, and try testing yourself throughout the day. Perhaps try learning another one tomorrow…

Day 15: Go on a wildlife walk with a local group. The Alton Natural History Society organises field meetings throughout the year, and non-members are welcome on many of these. Find details here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/altonnaturalhistorysoc/events

Day 16: Today’s #30DaysWild suggestion is to make a mini pond in your garden. An upturned dustbin lid or an old washing up bowl or other container is all you need, sunken into the soil with a handful of gravel or pebbles in the bottom and filled with water. You can either wait for wildlife to move in, or give your pond a helping hand by adding a few native pond plants. Details here: https://www.wwt.org.uk/discover-wetlands/gardening-for-wetlands/how-to-make-a-mini-wildlife-pond-from-an-upcycled-container/

Day 17: Our suggestion today is to go for a 30 minute walk this lunchtime. You can do a circuit of the village, a quick trip to the rec, or down to the river and back.

Day 18: We’re over halfway through our #30DaysWild challenge and today’s suggestion is to seek out our local swallows and swifts (hirundines). The best place to see swifts is to wait until early evening when you should hear them calling, and see them, high above the village. Perhaps a pint in the Star’s garden and a spot of birdwatching! You’ll find swallows swooping over the fields to the east of School Lane and down by the river by Marelands.

Day 19: Today we’d like to encourage you to complete “a random act of wildness”. This time it’s to allow wildflowers to bloom in your lawn. We’ve all heard of No Mow May, now let’s try Let it Bloom, June! Pledge to delay getting out the lawnmower for another week or two and help to feed pollinating species.

Day 20: Today’s #30DaysWild suggestion is to donate to Hart Wildlife Rescue. This local wildlife hospital in Medstead takes in injured or poorly wildlife from all over Hampshire. You can give them a one-off donation, set up a regular payment or purchase items off their Amazon shopping list. Details here: https://hartwildlife.org.uk/how-to-donate/

Day 21: Today’s suggestion is to simply post a comment on our Facebook page sharing your ideas for connecting with wildlife! https://www.facebook.com/groups/BentleyWildlife

Day 22: How about getting involved in a campaign to protect and restore nature? Details of some of the Restore Nature Now delivery group’s current campaigns can be found here: https://www.restorenaturenow.com/what-next

Day 23: Ever tried forest bathing or ‘shinrin-yoku’? Well today’s #30DaysWild suggestion is to spend 2 hours of mindful exploration in Alice Holt Forest to lower stress levels and improve your concentration and memory. This practice involves basically going for a walk in the woods but during that walk really focusing on the natural world around you, letting all your senses enjoy the experience.

Day 24: The #30DaysWild suggestion today is to contribute to Buglife’s citizen science survey – Bugs Matter. This one is to record “bug splats” on your vehicle number plate every time you make a journey to help Buglife measure insect abundance. You can download the virtual splatometer to make it easy to report your findings. Details here: https://www.buglife.org.uk/get-involved/surveys/bugs-matter/

Day 25: Today’s suggestion is to create some wildlife art. You don’t have to be an artist either. Have a look here for inspiration:

Day 26: Today’s #30DaysWild suggestion is to create a safe watering station for bees and other insects. All you need is a shadow dish, a terracotta plant pot saucer is perfect, add a layer of pebbles, and fill with water so the top of the pebbles are out of the water. Bees can then drink without falling in.

Day 27: Eat al fresco! Our suggestion today is to take your lunch break outside in nature. If you’re in Bentley, how about taking your sarnie down to the picnic benches by the pond? If you’re near Bentley Station perhaps find a convenient fallen tree trunk in the forest where you can sit.

Day 28: Have you heard hedgehogs snuffling and grunting in your garden in the evening? They can travel up to a mile a night between gardens looking for food. Today’s #30DaysWild suggestion is to give them a helping hand by creating a hedgehog highway! All you need to do is ensure hedgehogs can get in and out of your garden by providing them with a small hole (13×13 cm) at the bottom of your fence. Speak to your neighbours first, especially if they own the boundary!

Day 29: Today’s suggestion is to go stargazing tonight and see if you spot any shooting stars. Statistically you can see approximately 6 shooting stars per hour on a clear, dark night.

Day 30: Our final #30DaysWild idea is a very simple suggestion. Go barefoot and feel the grass under your feet! Walking barefoot is good for our physical and mental health, so you could go for a little stroll – just watch where you’re putting your feet.

We hope you enjoy some of these activities. Let us know what random acts of wildness you get involved in!